Please Call One of Our board-certified Workers' compensation Specialists For a Free Consultation (833) 444-4127

Cardinal Law Partners.

Please Call One of Our board-certified Workers' compensation Specialists For a Free Consultation (833) 444-4127

  • By: Cardinal Law Partners
Can You Pick Your Own Doctor For Workers’ Compensation

You may already know that if you’re injured on the job, a workers’ compensation claim should be filed. No mystery there. But with all the rules and regulations that go along with workers’ comp cases, questions tend to arise. In general, 100% of your medical bills should be covered by your employer’s insurance. But can you pick your own doctor? Stringent rules are part of the system. This can mean using a doctor that the insurance company has approved for the treatment of your injury.

It can be a confusing and lengthy process, but with the assistance of a qualified attorney to help fight for your rights, you will be better equipped. This will help you to not only understand the process behind workplace injury claims but have someone on your side who is knowledgeable and experienced.

Locating A Physician

Most people have a physician they already use. They are a trusted professional whom they’ve visited in the past. Though, in the event of a workplace injury, you’d probably rather see your private physician, your workers’ compensation won’t pay the medical bills if your doctor is not on the list put forth by your employer’s insurance company of approved doctors.

This is not to say that you cannot see your own doctor for treatment. Be aware, however, that you will very likely get stuck paying the bill. Not only will workers’ comp not pay the bill for a doctor that isn’t approved, your personal insurance carrier may not want to pay either. The reason for this is that workers’ compensation should be covering treatment for the injuries received at work. It’s not your insurance company’s problem if you picked a doctor who wasn’t on the list.

More Doctors – More Red Tape

But wait, we’re not through talking about doctors just yet! To receive additional treatment, you may be referred to a specialist by an approved doctor. Unfortunately, some red tape goes along with what should be a run-of-the-mill, simple referral. Submitted to your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance company, a medical recommendation and report must be filed by the doctor treating you.

Following this, a review, report, and decision will be started by an adjuster as to whether or not the recommended treatment is approved. With each and every step along the way, the adjuster needs to approve everything throughout the entire treatment process.

What If Further Treatment Is Denied?

One would hope that you don’t run into any type of denial. Unfortunately, denials occur more often than any of us likes to think about. If further treatment is denied by the adjuster, it’s time for an attorney. In fact, any time you file a workers’ compensation claim, it’s wise to have an experienced lawyer on your side. In the case of a denial, however, effective negotiation with the insurance company can take place with an attorney arguing on your behalf at a hearing.

Cardinal Law Partners – Experienced Workers’ Compensation Attorneys

What’s your best bet when filing a worker’s comp case or appealing one? Answer: acquire legal representation from the professionals at Cardinal Law Partners. Why? Very simply, our attorneys successfully handle workers’ comp cases each and every day and have for years. That’s the reason, if you need to file a claim or fight a denial, our team will be an asset for your cause. Contact us today for a free consultation. We’d be happy to discuss the details of your workers’ compensation case.

Cardinal Law Partners

Cardinal Law Partners fights to help injured workers and
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