Please Call One of Our board-certified Worker's compensation Specialists For a Free Consultation (833) 444-4127

Cardinal Law Partners.

Please Call One of Our board-certified Worker's compensation Specialists For a Free Consultation (833) 444-4127


Cardinal Law Partners is proud to announce completion of our new book! 2022 Worker’s Compensation: A Bird’s Eye View is now available for free. We hope injured workers in North Carolina find it useful.

We have represented injured workers for over 50 years (combined). We are all board certified workers’ compensation specialists. We are all tired of seeing injured workers make bad decisions regarding their claims because they do not understand the workers’ compensation system. This book was written to provide general information so that anyone injured at work would have some background of how workers’ compensation claims are processed in North Carolina.

However, we go further in this book than just providing the basics. It is our intent that the reader will also understand some traps and problems that often arise during the course of a workers’ compensation claim. This book should help identify some common pitfalls that frequently appear in workers’ compensation claims.

The book provides a North Carolina workers’ compensation primer. We explain how the North Carolina Industrial Commission is organized on how claims get processed. We also explain the difference between an accepted and denied workers’ compensation claim as well as outline time requirements and occupational diseases.

The chapters get more technical in describing why claims get denied. The injury by accident standard, in addition to credibility, create the foundation of many denied claims in North Carolina. Cardinal Law Partners breaks down how to prevent unreasonable denials.

In addition, there is plenty of information on medical treatment, returning to work, and maximum medical improvement. Entire chapters are dedicated to special kinds of workers’ compensation claims and tips to make the process easier. We are proud to make this book free to the public and we hope injured workers receive a benefit from our time and effort!

Cardinal Law Partners.

Please Call One of Our board-certified
Worker's compensation Specialists
For a Free Consultation
(833) 444-4127

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