Please Call One of Our board-certified Workers' compensation Specialists For a Free Consultation (833) 444-4127

Cardinal Law Partners.

Please Call One of Our board-certified Workers' compensation Specialists For a Free Consultation (833) 444-4127

  • By: Cardinal Law Partners
Factors Affecting Workers’ Compensation Claims

Factors That Affect The Value Of Your Workers’ Compensation Claim

If a South Carolina employee is injured on the job, the workers’ compensation benefits and medical expenses of the injured employee may be paid by the employer. Workers’ Compensation claims have numerous factors that may affect the value of the claim including the following:

  • Average weekly wage
  • The body part(s) injured
  • Whether more than one body part has been injured or affected by the injury
  • The extent of the disability
  • Future medical treatment needs

The following are important factors to keep in mind for your South Carolina Workers’ Compensation Claim:

  • Factors Affecting Workers’ Compensation ClaimsThe person making the decisions regarding your claim may not be your boss or your company, oftentimes, it is an insurance company.
  • If your claim is denied or if you disagree with the benefits you have received, you can request a hearing. You should consider consulting with an attorney if your claim is denied.
  • If light duty work within your restrictions is offered by your employer, you may be required to accept it.
  • If you had two jobs at the time of your injury, the insurance company may be required to compensate you for the wages from both jobs.

Why Should You Hire Cardinal Law Partners To Assist With Your Claim?

Generally speaking, for anyone who is injured on the job, there may be circumstances that can be confusing and frustrating. If you or a loved one was injured in a work-related accident, contact Cardinal Law Partners to schedule a free consultation.

Cardinal Law Partners

Cardinal Law Partners fights to help injured workers and
have spent 50+ years representing injured workers get
the benefits they deserve - Call Us Now - (833) 444-4127

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