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Cardinal Law Partners.

Please Call One of Our board-certified Worker's compensation Specialists For a Free Consultation (833) 444-4127

  • By: Cardinal Law Partners
Possible Benefits For NC Workers’ Compensation Claims

Possible Benefits Outside Of The North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Claim For North Carolina State Employees

If you sustained an injury as the result of an accident at work and you were working as an employee of the State of North Carolina on the date of your injury at work, there may be additional benefits outside of the workers’ compensation case that you need to explore.

Based on the number of years of service you have as an employee of the State of North Carolina as of the date of your injury at work you may be eligible for Short-Term Disability Benefits via the North Carolina State Retirement System.

Claim Eligibility

The filing of a claim for Short-Term Disability Benefits via the North Carolina State Retirement System does involve filing deadlines so time of the essence in exploring these additional benefits. If approved for Short-Term Disability benefits, you may be entitled to receive monetary compensation for your lost time from work based on the accepted vs. denied status of your workers’ compensation case, you may be entitled to ongoing health insurance benefits and this approval may prevent your termination from employment during the period covered by the Short-Term Disability benefits.

Based on the number of years of service you have as an employee of the State of North Carolina as of the date of your injury at work you may also be eligible for Long-Term Disability Benefits via the North Carolina State Retirement System.

The filing of a claim for Long-Term Disability Benefits via the North Carolina State Retirement System does involve filing deadlines so time of the essence in exploring these additional benefits. If approved for Long-Term Disability benefits, you may be entitled to receive monetary compensation for your lost time from work based on the accepted vs. denied status of your workers’ compensation case, you may be entitled to ongoing health insurance benefits and this approval may also allow you to continue to accrue years of service towards your North Carolina Retirement System retirement benefits during the period covered by the Long-Term Disability benefits.

Additional Benefits

These possible additional benefits, if you are eligible to apply and approved for these benefits, may offer an opportunity to receive additional benefits outside those involved in the workers’ compensation case. In order to avoid a situation where a delay in exploring these possible additional benefits results in missing deadlines to apply for these benefits, it is always best to explore these possible additional benefits as soon as possible following the injury at work.
These legal issues in workers’ compensation cases can oftentimes be complicated and confusing. For this reason, I always recommend an injured worker speak with a N.C. Board Certified Workers’ Compensation Specialist in order to understand their legal rights and what actions may or need to be taken in order to address any issues to assure the injured worker receives all the benefits she or he is entitled to as a result of the work injury.

Should you have any questions about these issues or any other issues involving your workers’ compensation case, please feel free to Contact Us and speak with one of the four N.C. Board Certified Workers’ Compensation Specialists for a free consultation.

Cardinal Law Partners

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