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Please Call One of Our board-certified Workers' compensation Specialists For a Free Consultation (833) 444-4127

  • By: Cardinal Law Partners
Denied Social Security Disability Applications

Applying for Social Security Disability or SSD benefits is an involved process. Some people wait months after they submit an application to get a response. It can be both financially and emotionally devastating to find out that Social Security Disability benefits have been denied, but that may not be the end of the road.

If you have been the subject of a denied SSD application, Cardinal Law Partners can help. By following a four-step appeals process with the help of a legal expert, you may be able to convince the Social Security Administration (SSA) that you are eligible for SSD benefits.

Initial Denial Is Common

It is common for a Social Security Disability application to get denied initially. The Social Security Administration is strict about approving applications to prevent fraud. Their reasoning is that the only the most severe cases will continue to appeal.

The SSA has an extremely narrow definition for disability for many types of impairments. They adhere to the “Blue Book” of impairments which stipulates that a medical condition must meet measurable severe criteria and have lasted for at least one year in order to qualify. Also listed in the blue book are specific symptoms that be exhibited by the individual concerned. This becomes tricky when an individual’s conditions do not exactly match those outlined in the Blue Book, but the person has medical equivalents.

Here are some statistics on the Social Security Disability Insurance program:

  • The average rate of denial for SSD benefits is 53%.
  • Between the years 2001-2010, the highest approval level of first-time applications was 37%.
  • After the first stage of appeals between 2001-2010, only about 3% of applicants were able to take advantage of SSD benefits following initial denial.
  • Following the second stage of appeals between 2001-2010, only about 13% of applicants who were denied had their SSD benefits approved.
  • The lowest approval rate between 2001-2010 was 26%.
  • There was an average 28% of benefits awarded to applicants filing for the first time (not as the result of an appeal) between 2001-2010.

Has Your Social Security Disability Case Been Denied?

There are options if your SSD application has been denied. Pursue an appeal with the four stages listed below:

  • Request for reconsideration (stage I)
  • A hearing regarding your SSD benefits (stage 2)
  • An “appeals board” appeal (stage 3)
  • A federal court appeal (stage 4)

It is crucial that you submit all of your information before the deadlines to ensure that your application qualifies. You will also likely have to show medical evidence to prove the severity of your disability. Keep in mind that you will only have 60 days after you have been denied to file a request for reconsideration. After that, your only option for pursuing a claim is to start over.

Call Cardinal Law Partners If Your Social Security Disability Claim Has Been Denied

If your SSD benefits application has been denied, reach out to the team at Cardinal Law Partners. We have experience working with Social Security Disability claims and cases and will do everything we can to get you and your family the compensation you deserve.

For a free consultation, contact us today.

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