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Step 1: Navigate to
Step 2: Click “NEW! NCIC Online Services Center”
Step 3: Click “Industrial Commission Online Services Center”
Step 5: Click “HERE”
Step 6: Click “Create an account”
Step 7: Click “HERE”
Step 8: Click and fill in the fields. You are only required to fill in the items with * next to them.
Step 9: Click “Continue”
Step 10: You will then receive an email confirming your account. Open this email.
Step 11: Select the link to set your password.
Step 12: Enter in a password that satisfies the bullets listed. Then click “Change Password”
Step 13: It will then redirect you to the main filing page. Click “FILE AN ELECTRONIC FORM 18”
Step 14: Click “Next”
Step 15: Click “Next”
Step 16: Fill in the requested information. You may fill in all of the information, however you are only required to fill in the items with *.
Step 17: Once you have filled in all of your information, click “Next”
Step 18: For the Employer information page-you will want to fill in the Information/employer narne as it shows up on your paystub. You are only equired to fill in the Employer name, but any additional information you can provide will help the Commission confirm they have the correct company.
Step 19: For the Insurance Information page:
If you do not know your employer’s workers’ Compensation insurance company, you can skip this step by clicking “Next”. If you do know this information, fill in as much as you know and then click “Next”.
Step 20: This page is information about the accident. You are again required to fill in all sections with *. You can add in an approximate time, but you do want to make sure you have the exact date of the injury.
Step 21: Click “Next”
Step 22: Select signature of “Employee” on the drop down list and then fill in your information. Make sure you select the box at the bottom consenting to an electronic signature.
Step 23: Click “Submit”
Step 24: A confirmation page will come up, confirming the submission. Click “Next”.
Step 25: A page will come up for attorneys to add additional documents. You do not need to submit these. Click “Skip”.
Step 26: Once you have completed all of the prior steps, you will receive a confirmation email to the email address you used. This will include a PDF attachment of the Form 18 that you submitted. You will want to save this email for your records.