Please Call One of Our board-certified Workers' compensation Specialists For a Free Consultation (833) 444-4127

Cardinal Law Partners.

Please Call One of Our board-certified Workers' compensation Specialists For a Free Consultation (833) 444-4127

In-court Hearing ProcessYou’ve been injured on the job. No worries, right? Your workers’ compensation will take care of everything. If only it were that simple. In a perfect world, that would absolutely be the case. If you get injured, you would get the medical attention you need, you would take the time off required, and you’d get back to work knowing that all of your medical bills, living expenses, and pain-and-suffering were covered by workers’ comp.

Because that’s not always the case, however, attorneys at Cardinal Law Partners stand at the ready to come to your aid. We will fight tirelessly and devotedly to make sure that your rights are defended, and you receive the financial restitution you deserve.

What Are In-Court Hearing Processes?

If problems arise with your workers’ compensation claim, it may or may not end up in court. If you have our board-certified specialists on your side, things can run more smoothly and be of far less worry to you and your family. If a settlement cannot be reached before court, we will represent you in court through the entire process.

The Process:

If a problem arises and a workers’ compensation case must go to court, all of the necessary/related information will be relayed to a Deputy Commissioner. He or she will then reach a decision based on what has been learnt. After proclaiming his or her decision, it will be mailed to the insurance company, the workers’ compensation lawyer, and to the injured worker. Typically, it can take between 30 and 90 days for Deputy Commissioners to reach their decision.

In-court Hearing ProcessUnderstanding The In-court Hearing Process

If you are not a lawyer or have not received some kind of legal training, the entire process involved in a workers’ compensation case can be confusing and frustrating. You’re already injured, your family is also suffering, so there is no need for you to be subjected to further pain as the result of a maddening court proceeding.

Through the entire court process, we will explain every step of preparation and the proceedings in terms that are as easy to comprehend as possible. We understand not everyone is a trained legal representative. That’s why we’re here – for you and your loved ones. You have rights and we are here to defend them.

From preparing for the hearing, to the hearing itself, to what happens after the hearing, we will walk you through every step in dedicated fashion.

Are You A Work-related Injury Victim Requiring An In-court Hearing Process?

Whether or not a workers’ compensation case goes to court, the smart thing for an injured worker to do is retain legal representation as soon as possible. One never does know how things are going to go once money enters the equation. If workers’ compensation doesn’t seem like enough, and you feel you may be entitled to money for pain-and-suffering, experienced legal representation is going to be the difference between getting the money you deserve and going without. The best course of action is to discuss with your lawyer what he or she thinks is realistic and go from there.

In-court Hearing ProcessWhy Should You Hire Cardinal Law Partners To Defend Your Rights In An In-court Hearing Process?

As already explained, court proceedings can be confusing, frustrating, and lengthy. Without the specific knowledge and experience required for these cases, you stand little chance of getting all you’re entitled to. Don’t take something like the financial stability of you and your family lightly. Trust your workers’ compensation case to the North Carolina Board certified attorneys at Cardinal Law Partners.

If you or a loved one has lost a family member or was injured in a work-related accident, and an in-court hearing process may be in the your future, contact Cardinal Law Partners now to schedule a free consultation with our workers’ compensation attorneys.

Cardinal Law Partners.

Please Call One of Our board-certified
Worker's compensation Specialists
For a Free Consultation
(833) 444-4127

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