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Cardinal Law Partners.

Please Call One of Our board-certified Worker's compensation Specialists For a Free Consultation (833) 444-4127

Risks In Dealing With At-Fault Party’s InsuranceWhat Are The Risks Involved in Contacting At-Fault Party’s Insurance Company?

Contacting the at-fault party’s insurance company can be risky. If you want to recover compensation from a negligent driver, whether through counsel or by yourself, you must deal with the other insurance company. You’ll have to communicate and provide information as to why you should be entitled to compensation, including medical records, medical bills, lost wages, and time you’ve had to take off from work because of the accident.

If you contact an insurance company asking for compensation because they insured an at-fault driver, keep in mind that they’re not trying to do what’s fair and equitable. They’re trying to benefit their insurance company and their insured as much as possible, and the easiest way for them to do that is to constantly look for and find any kind of evidence of fault by you.

Because North Carolina is a contributory negligence state, insurance companies try to get you to admit, that you made a mistake or had some level of fault, even if it is only 1 percent. The insurance adjusters know that by showing you were even partially responsible for creating the accident, they have a chance to get off the hook entirely.

The most significant risk in talking to the at-fault’s insurance company is that you can sink your case. Even though the conduct of the more at-fault driver might have been deplorable, their insurance company could be off the hook for the accident.

When Should The Injured Person Hire A Personal Injury Attorney?

The best advice we can give anybody who’s been the victim of a negligent driver in a car accident and sustained bodily injury resulting from the accident or crash is to get an attorney sooner rather than later. Personal injury attorneys have been through the process numerous times before and are have a lot of knowledge in this area of law.

There are several aspects to consider when you are involved in a personal injury case. First, you need to understand the dangers of contributory negligence in North Carolina and how the insurance companies you are asking compensation from are just trying to find the smallest detail about how you may have been negligent or contributed to the accident. Therefore, stopping you from any recovery because of contributory negligence.

Second, the attorneys will help you navigate your medical care. They will know which doctors can see you quickly and what type of doctor you may need to see for your specific injury. This is very important to prevent any gaps in your medical care and allow you to find relief as quickly as possible.

Third, if you’re using your health insurance or health coverage to pay for medical treatment related to a car accident, you’ve got to be careful about liens. Some health insurance companies are entitled to be paid back and some are not. It is very important to know who is entitled to be paid as you do not want to pay an insurance company that has no right to your settlement/recovery. A personal injury case can take a very drastic turn when companies are asking to be paid back, and this affects your settlement and your recovery of money. A good settlement can depend on who’s paying the medical bills, as well as liens and how the funds are being disbursed.

Your attorney can address many personal injury claim issues at the very beginning. It’s a good idea to find someone to guide you through the North Carolina contributory negligence issues, the at-fault issues, the investigation issues, finding witnesses and locating statements, correcting accident reports, and getting the proper documentation from your medical providers and possibly your employer. After all of this is ready, your attorney will then submit a demand package to the insurance company, or insurance companies if there are multiple insurance policies, for all the compensation that a car crash victim should be entitled to.

For more information on Risks In Dealing With At-Fault Party’s Insurance, a free initial consultation is your next best step. Cardinal Law Partners offers Free Initial Consultations. Get your questions answered and information needed to pursue your case by calling (833) 444-4127 today.

Cardinal Law Partners.

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(833) 444-4127

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