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Cardinal Law Partners.

Please Call One of Our board-certified Workers' compensation Specialists For a Free Consultation (833) 444-4127

How Much Can An Injured Worker Receive From Social Security Disability Benefits?In this article you can discover:

  • What you will be paid in social security benefits
  • The process for re-applying for social security benefits
  • What factors stand out most in an SSD application

The amount of Social Security Disability an individual can receive each month is based on their prior work and earnings. The more an individual has paid into Social Security, the higher their monthly benefit will be. The amount of that Social Security Disability check will differ from individual to individual.

If someone is curious as to what amount they could potentially receive via the Social Security Disability benefits, the best course of action is to call the Social Security Administration or set up an online account via

An account will allow them to see what’s been paid into the Social Security Administration based on their years of work and what’s been withheld for taxes. This info will give them some idea of the monthly amount they will receive should they be approved for Social Security disability.

Can I Refile A Claim For Social Security Disability Benefits If I Have Been Initially Denied?

If you were denied Social Security Disability benefits, you can reapply. However, your new claim must be based on new evidence that wasn’t available or present during your first application. Anytime you’re exploring that new application for Social Security Disability, it’s important that your medical provider indicates that there has been some change or worsening in that condition that now impacts your ability to work.

Medical evidence concerning a change or worsening of the condition offers the opportunity to have the Social Security Administration issue approval based on new evidence. Many times when individuals are applying for Social Security Disability, limitations due to financial situations or lack of health insurance may prevent them from seeing a treating physician.

In those instances, an experienced attorney for social security benefits would advise that the individual be seen at a free medical clinic or an income-based medical clinic to obtain medical evidence from a treating physician. Doing so can establish the necessary limitations to support a claim for Social Security Disability.

What Factors Does The Social Security Administration Consider When Reviewing An Application For SSD Benefits?

The Social Security Administration (SSA) reviews many factors when considering an application for Social Security Disability benefits. Age is one such factor; generally speaking, those over the age of 55 have a better chance of being approved. Other important considerations include medical records, employment history, and current financial situation.

Education is also a factor that the Social Security Administration will consider in approving Social Security Disability benefits. The lower the level of education, the better chance there is for approval for Social Security Disability. Likewise, the higher the level of education, the more chance there is of a possible denial.

In many instances, the education level plays a role in the sense that even though these limitations may prevent someone from performing the position where they last worked, the prior education they obtained may open up opportunities for possible other work opportunities.

When you are looking at someone’s work history in order to approve an application for SSD benefits, you are taking into account not only the most recent job they performed, but also any other jobs they have had in the past. This is because their work history can give significant insight into their ability to perform the tasks required for the position they are applying for.

The more severe an individual’s work restrictions are, the better their chances of being approved for Social Security Disability. On the other hand, less severe work restrictions may open up more job opportunities in a competitive labor market. When discussing these limitations with their treating physician, it is important that the physician documents them accurately. For more information on Additional Benefits For Injured Workers In NC, a free initial consultation is your next best step.

Cardinal Law Partners.

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Worker's compensation Specialists
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(833) 444-4127

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