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Cardinal Law Partners.

Please Call One of Our board-certified Workers' compensation Specialists For a Free Consultation (833) 444-4127

  • By: Cardinal Law Partners
Spinal Cord Injury Compensation

How Much Should Spinal Cord Injury Compensation Be?

The average person may find it almost impossible to cover all the medical expenses of a spinal cord injury. In the first year alone, victims of tetraplegia (a.k.a. quadriplegia) can expect to spend upwards of $1 million. Every year after that, an average of $171,000 may be needed for victims’ spinal cord injury medical expenses. While the numbers vary, injured individuals could have expenses that reach as high as $4.5 million over the course of their lifetime.

The information above is a testament as to why spinal cord injury compensation is not only desired but absolutely necessary for spinal cord injury victims. If the spinal cord injury is due to the careless actions of someone else, you may be entitled to compensation for that injury. The next question therefore becomes, what kind of compensation do you qualify for?

Compensation For Claims Involving Spinal Cord Injury

It is essential to have some base level understanding of the costs involved surrounding a spinal cord injury. Before discussing the specifics of compensation, it’s important to take a closer look at the potential costs that may be incurred.

Spinal cord injury victims may accrue medical costs in the following fields:

  • Alternative medical costs
  • Long-term medical expenses
  • Unexpected medical costs
  • Expenses involving caregiving
  • Physical therapy, medical devices, prescription drugs, surgery, medical consultations, hospitalization, etc.

Spinal Cord Injury Potential Compensation

Spinal cord injuries vary greatly, so to refer to them generally and place a specific number for monetary compensation would be impossible. There are, however, particulars involved in most cases that can help determine the amount of compensation and what would be covered.

Rather than make a general statement regarding how much you may receive, we’ll present you with some spinal cord injury verdicts/settlements from past claims on record. In this manner, you may be better acquainted with what could possibly be expected from your claim:

  • A man in California received a $3 million settlement after his back was broken as a result of a malfunctioned fire hydrant.
  • A man in Ohio was awarded a $5 million settlement after being hit while he was driving a vehicle.
  • A man in Pennsylvania received a $5.6 million settlement when a bar’s roof collapsed on him.
  • A misdiagnosed spinal cord injury led to an individual filing a medical malpractice suit against a negligent doctor in the state of
  • Virginia. The injured individual was awarded $6.5 million as a result.

Do You Have a Spinal Cord Injury? Cardinal Law Partners Can Help

As the victim of a spinal cord injury, the last thing you need are court appearances, arguments with other lawyers, and the headaches that go along with legal cases. Now is the time to hand over all the information you have and let us carry the burden for you.

Contact us at Cardinal Law Partners today for a free consultation.

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