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Cardinal Law Partners.

Please Call One of Our board-certified Workers' compensation Specialists For a Free Consultation (833) 444-4127

  • By: Cardinal Law Partners
Does Workers’ Compensation Cover Teenage Workers

Does South Carolina Workers’ Compensation Cover Teenage Workers?

Often, teenagers of 16 or 17 years of age are encouraged by their parents to get a job. Frequently, parents believe that valuable life skills are learned in this manner and independence instilled. These jobs often seem harmless. They’re just part-time positions or temporary summer positions, after all. But without realizing it, these teens may be in a dangerous situation.

Is your teenager in danger at work? If they’re injured on the job, does South Carolina’s workers’ compensation cover their lost wages, medical expenses, etc.? Let’s take a closer look at teens in the workplace and hazards that might exist. Additionally, we’ll see if workers’ compensation covers them if they’re injured at work.

The Dangers To Today’s Teens

There can be any number of reasons why a work-related injury may occur to a teenager. Sometimes, it can simply be related to inexperience and youth. When performing tasks ordinarily performed by adults (who might be a little more careful), teens may become injured.

The top three work-related injury causes in which teens are involved are as follows:

  • Accidental harmful chemical exposure
  • Falls
  • Heavy machinery usage or presence

Teens often run the risk of workplace injuries because they lack the knowledge and experience required to stay safe.

What these risks are and how to avoid them can be determined, in part, by the teen’s parents discussing the dangers and workers’ compensation with an experienced attorney.

Teenage Workers’ Most Hazardous Jobs

Ensuring a safe work environment is the best way to keep a teen safe on the job. Ideal positions are food service or retail environments. Dangerous fields of work for a teenager include the following:

  • Sales positions that require travel
  • Landscaping
  • Construction
  • Agriculture, and more

Was Your Teen Injured On The Job?

Minors in the workplace are covered by numerous South Carolina laws. Even so, sometimes bad things happen on the job. To assure reparation for a work-related injury, workers’ compensation rules and regulations are in place for workers of all ages – that includes coverage for teenagers. When minors are injured, any employer violation of child labor laws is taken very seriously with penalties resulting. For their failure to protect minors, the employer (and their insurer) may end up paying double the usual costs for compensation, when employers are held responsible.

The consequences are complicated and serious when minors are injured on the job. Employers may try to brush off the incident as just part of the job or as less than serious. Insurance companies may try to pressure parents into accepting a settlement. Don’t be pressured by insurance companies and don’t let an employer make any less of your teenager’s injury than it actually is. Seek the advice and representation of an experienced, reputable attorney in any work-related injury case – particularly those involving minors.

Who Can You Contact For Representation?

Members of Cardinal Law Partners are experienced in workers’ compensation cases, Social Security disability cases, personal injury cases, and much more. Don’t be bullied or pressured into accepting anything less than what you’ve got coming, according to your rights and the laws of South Carolina. Because your first initial consultation is free, you’ve got nothing to lose by seeking the advice of legal representation when your teenager is injured on the job. Contact us today to discuss the details.

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