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Cardinal Law Partners.

Please Call One of Our board-certified Workers' compensation Specialists For a Free Consultation (833) 444-4127

  • By: Cardinal Law Partners
4 Key South Carolina Workers’ Compensation Commission Forms

Oh, how the government does love its forms. Cases concerning workers’ compensation are no exception! When an employee is injured on the job, or becomes ill as a result of work conditions, they are entitled workers’ compensation for lost wages, medical treatment, etc. In addition to reporting an injury to the employer in a timely manner, numerous forms will likely need to be filled out.

Below, we are going to take a look at these forms and offer a brief explanation of each for the state of South Carolina.

Please keep in mind that in order to work your way through government forms and enjoy a successful workers’ comp claim result, you would be well served by acquiring legal representation. The right attorney will know the ins and outs of the court system (if your case goes that far), have experience in workers’ compensation cases, and act in a committed, diligent manner to defend your rights. They will also help you gain a better understanding of the countless forms which may be required.

What Are Commission Forms?

As most of us are well aware, the government can’t purchase a stick of gum without filling out the right forms. That may be an exaggeration, but it does seem like the government is exceedingly fond of paper trails. So, it should come as no surprise that, where workers compensation cases are concerned, there are numerous forms that can be required. What are they and what do they entail?

Understanding Commission Forms

Here are four South Carolina Workers’ Compensation Commission forms:

  • Periodic Report / Form 18 – Every six months this is filled out by the carrier. It is not used to provide other notes to the commission or to request an informal conference. An MMI report and updated Form 18 must be used in an email to the commission for an informal conference request.
  • Request for Commission Review Of a Single Commissioner’s Order / Form 30 – must be filed within 14 days of the date of service of the Decision and Order of the Hearing Commissioner.
  • Employee’s Request to Waive Filing Fee / Form 32 – The form can be used for waiver of a filing fee by a pro se claimant. It should be filed with the Form 30.
  • Employee’s Notice of Claim and/or Hearing Request / Form 50 – This form can be used to file a claim and to request a hearing, there is a box to check denoting whether you are requesting a hearing.

These are, of course, not the only forms that South Carolina has put forth regarding workers’ compensation. For a list and description of all workers’ compensation forms,

Why Should You Hire Cardinal Law Partners To Assist You With Workers’ Comp Forms?

You, as our client, are our number one priority. Whether you have suffered a family death, major injury, minor on-the-job injury, or something else, your concerns come first. We will assist you, as an injured employee, with seeking the required medical treatments, recovering lost wages, overcoming financial strains, and making a complete recovery. On behalf of our client’s cause we work in a dedicated, tireless, and vigilant manner.

If you or a loved one has suffered an on-the-job accident and need help with your case or workers’ compensation forms, contact Cardinal Law Partners now to schedule a free consultation with our workers’ compensation attorneys.

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