Please Call One of Our board-certified Worker's compensation Specialists For a Free Consultation (833) 444-4127

Cardinal Law Partners.

Please Call One of Our board-certified Worker's compensation Specialists For a Free Consultation (833) 444-4127

  • By: Cardinal Law Partners
Understanding The Workers’ Compensation Process In South Carolina

No two South Carolina workers’ compensation claims are exactly alike. Claims will have different injuries, different insurance companies, different physicians, and different average weekly wages. When facing a severe workplace injury, it helps to have an experienced workers’ compensation attorney. This understanding of the South Carolina workers’ compensation process can benefit those workers needing assistance with their claim.

A Step By Step Process For Injured Workers

Again, no two claims are exactly alike. However, there are key moments in every claim that help move the claim along and maximize the possibility that the injured worker will receive all the appropriate compensation pursuant to South Carolina law.

  • Notify your employer of your injury. If you are injured at work, notify your employer immediately. Your employer may have a specific physician they send injured workers to. Also, your employer will be able to notify their workers’ compensation insurance carrier of your injury and the insurance company may have a particular physician that they want you to go to.
  • Get medical treatment as soon as possible. Of course, if the injury is severe enough, then this might be the first step. Medical treatment is most effective if it can be administered soon after the injury. Going to a physician quickly also provides documentation of all the injuries as well as the mechanism of injury.
  • File the appropriate forms with the South Carolina Workers’ Compensation Commission. The Commission will be unaware of the claim until your provide notice. Providing the Commission notice puts the ball in the employer’s court to either cooperate or obstruct.
  • Expect the insurance company to conduct an investigation of the claim after everything gets filed. There might be additional documents to gather and even a deposition. Ultimately, the investigation is almost always necessary in order for the injured worker to receive everything they are entitled to under the law.
  • Negotiate the payout. Once the medical treatment ends, it comes down to what type of disability payments are warranted by the injuries suffered at work and the future medical treatment needed. The insurance company will want to minimize what gets paid, but the injured worker has every incentive to protect their rights and get fairly compensated for their future after their injury.

Cardinal Law Partners Has Experienced Attorneys That Can Help

Pursuing workers’ compensation claims in South Carolina can be frustrating. Experienced workers’ compensation attorneys should be able to point their clients in the right direction when it comes to the process of claims and how claims are best resolved.

If you have questions about your workers’ compensation claim, call Cardinal Law Partners. We work hard for our clients and try to get every dollar they deserve. Call us at (833) 444-4127.

Cardinal Law Partners

Cardinal Law Partners fights to help injured workers and
have spent 50+ years representing injured workers get
the benefits they deserve - Call Us Now - (833) 444-4127

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