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Cardinal Law Partners.

Please Call One of Our board-certified Workers' compensation Specialists For a Free Consultation (833) 444-4127

The Role Of Nurse Managers In A Workers’ Compensation Claim
  • By: Cardinal Law Partners

The last thing you need to worry about after being hurt at work is being tasked with picking up prescription medications, obtaining necessary medical equipment, scheduling and remembering when to make hospital visits, and making/keeping appointments. While you may have a loved one to help out, all of that can still feel like a second full-time job. Worker’s compensation insurance carriers sometimes hire nurse case managers to assist injured workers with the aforementioned tasks. In order for a nurse case manager to be as effective as possible, injured individuals must have a complete understanding of both the limits of a nurse case manager’s role as well as the employee’s rights amidst the workers’ compensation process. What Can Nurse Case Managers Do? Most nurse case managers are registered nurses. They act as medical case workers and are essentially liaisons to the…Read More

Why Is The Claim Adjuster Not Responding - NC Workers' Compensation Lawyers
  • By: Cardinal Law Partners

Why Is Claim Adjuster Not Calling Me Back Or Responding To My Emails? We often receive phone calls from injured workers because the adjuster is not returning phone calls or responding to emails. In many of these situations I hear from the injured worker that everything was going okay until the claims adjuster stopped returning phone calls and responding to emails. There are several reasons why this situation may happen: 1. There was a change to the adjuster handling the claim but notice of this change was not provided to the injured worker. Many insurance companies will have an adjuster assigned to the claim during the investigation period following work injury to gather information and make a decision on accepting the claim and initiating benefits or denying the claim and refusing to provide benefits for the injury. Once this decision…Read More

Workplace Hazards For Retail Workers
  • By: Cardinal Law Partners

Ask your average North Carolinian on the street what occupation they would most often associate with workplace injuries and you’ll likely hear answers involving construction, police, carpentry, warehouse workers, heavy machinery, road workers, etc. Chances are, not many people would say that retail workers are among some of the most dangerous of occupations. That said, just a few years ago, the US reported 26,760 workers’ compensation claims filed by retail salespersons in a single calendar year! In the top 10 occupations filing workers’ comp cases, retail positions rated number six, ahead of even construction laborers and delivery (light truck) service drivers. Why are retail workers getting hurt on the job in such high frequencies? Injuries To North Carolina Retail Store Employees No matter how safe some people may think an industry is, there are always areas that could be further…Read More

South Carolina Workers Compensation
  • By: Cardinal Law Partners

Can I Get Pain And Suffering In My South Carolina Workers Compensation Case? Many of our clients have questions about whether you can receive payment for pain and suffering as part of your workers compensation case in South Carolina. The short answer is no. You have likely heard of people who have auto accidents, slip and falls, and other types of civil claims receiving benefits for pain and suffering. In these types of civil law suits, you usually don’t receive anything from the defendants in your claim until the entire claim is settled. One of the trade-offs in workers’ compensation is that you receive no direct payment for pain and suffering but you do receive payment in admitted claims for medical benefits and wage loss benefits during your claim and most of the time, a settlement at the end of…Read More

North Carolina Worker’s Compensation
  • By: Cardinal Law Partners

Can I Be Fired For Filing A Worker’s Compensation Claim In North Carolina? Some people think they cannot be fired while they are on workers’ compensation. Your employer may not fire you in retaliation for you filing a workers’ compensation claim, if that happened, you should contact an employment law attorney. Most employers will not fire you because you filed a worker’s compensation claim. However, you do not have immunity while you’re on workers’ compensation from being terminated for other reasons. For example, if there is a layoff when your company is downsizing you can be laid off despite your status in the workers’ compensation system. Also, if your employer cannot accommodate your restrictions they aren’t required to hold your position indefinitely. They can replace you. Finally, you can also be terminated for misconduct like excessive absences or tardies. North…Read More

Employee Versus Independent Contractor
  • By: Cardinal Law Partners

We see it all the time. An injured worker calls into our office after a serious injury. They doubt we can help them. They almost apologize for “wasting our time.” “I doubt you can help me,” they say. “I was paid on a 1099 and my employer is telling me I was not covered on their workers’ compensation policy.” It is true. Independent contractors are not covered by the North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Act. Companies that hire independent contractors have no workers’ compensation liability for injuries that the independent contractors sustain. However, the determination of whether a worker is an employee or independent contractor is much more complicated than what the employer calls the worker. Several factors determine whether a worker is an employee or an independent contractor for workers’ compensation purposes. These factors are known as the Hayes factors…Read More

Extended Benefit Cases
  • By: Cardinal Law Partners

Extended Benefit Cases From Industrial Commission Someone told me I can continue to receive disability checks for my workers’ compensation claim even after 500 weeks, is this true? N.C. Gen. Stat. Sec. 97-29(b) notes that an injured employee shall not be entitled to disability checks for a period greater than 500 weeks from the first date such disability checks were issued. However, N.C. Gen. Stat. Sec. 97-29(c) does offer a possible opportunity for an injured employee to continue receiving disability checks beyond the above noted 500-week limit. Several cases have recently been decided by the North Carolina Industrial Commission addressing the issue of extended disability checks beyond the 500-week limit. These cases offer the following items to consider when addressing a claim for disability checks beyond the 500-week limit: There is no presumption that the injured employee is entitled to receive…Read More

Can I Resign While My Claim Is Ongoing?
  • By: Cardinal Law Partners

Can I Resign From My Job When My North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Claim Is Still Ongoing? The short answer to this question is yes. There is nothing preventing your resignation just because your workers’ compensation claim is still ongoing. However, the real question is, how will my resignation impact my workers’ compensation claim moving forward. The answer to this question all depends on the facts of your workers’ compensation case. If at the time of your resignation your treating physician for the workers’ compensation case has indicated that your injury at work will prevent your return to work for your employer and any other possible new employer, then your resignation will not likely have any impact on your receipt of ongoing benefits for your workers’ compensation case. If at the time of your resignation you have been able to return…Read More

Previous Relevant Work In Social Security Disability Cases
  • By: Cardinal Law Partners

Previous Relevant Work (PRW) Step four of the five step evaluation process for Social Security Disability claims is whether a claimant can perform their previous relevant work. If the Social Security Administration believes that the claimant can perform their past relevant work, then their claim for benefits will be denied. Previous relevant work consists of all the jobs a claimant held the 15 years before they allege they became disability. Jobs a claimant may have had 20 or 25 years ago do not factor into the analysis. Every job in the national economy is classified pursuant to the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. A job’s classification is broken down into an exertional level (sedentary, light, medium, or heavy) and a skill level (lower skilled jobs are assigned a number close to 1, 2, or 3, while jobs that require more education…Read More

Why Is My Employer Not Paying Me The Same Wages Following My Injury At Work?
  • By: Cardinal Law Partners

Why Is My Employer Not Paying Me The Same Wages Following My Injury At Work? Following an injury at work, when your treating physician indicates that you can return to work, but only under certain work restrictions, many times your employer will offer light duty work in order to allow your return to work for the employer. Any time this issue comes up in a workers’ compensation case, it is critical that your employer is only offering work within the assigned work restrictions. If your employer is attempting to require you to perform work outside the assigned work restrictions, there may be the basis for you refusing such work and the employer being required to pay disability checks for any lost time from work. Types Of Work If there is uncertainty about what type of work you may be required…Read More

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