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Please Call One of Our board-certified Worker's compensation Specialists For a Free Consultation (833) 444-4127

Workers’ Compensation And Ssd Benefits?
  • Published: March 9, 2021

Can You Receive Both Workers’ Compensation And Ssd Benefits At The Same Time? Numerous individuals, at one time or another, have received benefits from workers’ compensation. There is also a large population of people receiving SSD (Social Security Disability) benefits. Occasionally, however, individuals may wonder if they can receive both workers’ compensation and SSD Benefits at the same time. This is a common question raised when a workplace injury disables an individual for an extended period of time. Whether this injury is temporary or leads to permanent disability, individuals will likely seek workers’ compensation. Individuals experiencing disabilities, however, also often seek SSD benefits whether or not their injuries are work-related. The question therefore remains as to whether they can receive the two simultaneously. The short answer to the question is yes. Sometimes, however, people are advised that their disability benefits…Read More

A Workers’ Credibility Is Critical In Workers’ Compensation Claims.
  • Published: February 23, 2021

To View Video About Workers Credibility Is Critical In A Worker’s Compensation Case, Click Here.Read More

  • Published: February 18, 2021

To View Video About Is The Amount Of My Disability Check Correct?, Click Here.Read More

Challenges For A Truck Driver In Workers’ Compensation Claims
  • Published: February 16, 2021

To View Video About the Challenges For A Truck Driver In Workers’ Compensation Claims, Click Here.Read More

Can My Employer Force Me To Return To Work?
  • Published: February 11, 2021

To View Video About Employer Force Me To Return To Work?, Click Here.Read More

South Carolina Workers’ Compensation Claims
  • Published: February 9, 2021

To View Video About Workers’ Compensation Claims, Click Here.Read More

Disability Claims: 5 Step Sequential Evaluation
  • Published: January 28, 2021

To View Video About 5 Step Sequential Evaluation, Click Here.Read More

What To Look Out For When Filing Workers’ Compensation Claims
  • Published: November 27, 2020

When it comes to on-the-job injuries, you, your employer, and your employer’s insurance company are not on the same side. While it is just business and nothing personal, it is important to understand where everyone involved in the worker’s compensation claim stands. Underestimating your opposition can be one of the biggest mistakes made in workers’ compensation claims. In a perfect world… Insurance adjusters would never take deliberate action to damage victims of workers’ compensation. Licensed doctors would do everything they could to help you achieve a speedy recovery. Employers would always have a worker’s comp victim’s best interests at heart. The Reality Of Workers’ Compensation Claims Sadly, the wishful thinking stated above is not always how things go in workers’ comp claims. While there are plenty of reputable employers, doctors, and even insurers, it is best to stay aware of…Read More

Retroactive Benefits Vs. Backpay
  • Published: November 25, 2020

Have you recently applied for SSD benefits? If you were approved for Social Security Disability benefits, you might think you have backpay and retroactive benefits on the way. What you may not be aware of, however, is that past due payments sometimes make you eligible for two separate forms. Many people don’t know that there is a difference between retroactive benefits and backpay. We’ll help you understand how these two are different and why it matters. Retroactive Benefits – What Are They? You may be entitled to retroactive benefits even if you are receiving backpay. Retroactive benefits apply between the time at which you were first disabled all the way through to your benefits application. The SSA looks at your disability begin date or disability onset date to determine retroactive benefits. When filling out your application, one of the first…Read More

Denied Social Security Disability Applications
  • Published: November 23, 2020

Applying for Social Security Disability or SSD benefits is an involved process. Some people wait months after they submit an application to get a response. It can be both financially and emotionally devastating to find out that Social Security Disability benefits have been denied, but that may not be the end of the road. If you have been the subject of a denied SSD application, Cardinal Law Partners can help. By following a four-step appeals process with the help of a legal expert, you may be able to convince the Social Security Administration (SSA) that you are eligible for SSD benefits. Initial Denial Is Common It is common for a Social Security Disability application to get denied initially. The Social Security Administration is strict about approving applications to prevent fraud. Their reasoning is that the only the most severe cases…Read More

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