When Will You Receive Payments After Filing A Workers’ Compensation Claim? Okay, everyone is in agreement. You’ve settled your workers’ compensation claim. Congratulations! Any second now you’re bound to ask the inevitable question: “How soon am I going to get my money?” The process of settling was likely stressful, and you probably need the money. Negotiations with insurance companies are seldom pleasant and there’s every chance that the bills have been piling up. So that question is a reasonable one, to be sure. Sadly, before you receive any money, several weeks may go by. The process is bogged down with several waves of documents that need review and signature. The good news is that in some cases you can continue to visit the doctor who is treating you and you may also still be able to receive reimbursement for mileage.…Read More

Oh, how the government does love its forms. Cases concerning workers’ compensation are no exception! When an employee is injured on the job, or becomes ill as a result of work conditions, they are entitled workers’ compensation for lost wages, medical treatment, etc. In addition to reporting an injury to the employer in a timely manner, numerous forms will likely need to be filled out. Below, we are going to take a look at these forms and offer a brief explanation of each for the state of South Carolina. Please keep in mind that in order to work your way through government forms and enjoy a successful workers’ comp claim result, you would be well served by acquiring legal representation. The right attorney will know the ins and outs of the court system (if your case goes that far), have…Read More

If you are injured on the job, you are entitled to certain benefits, coverages, and compensation. Though your workers’ compensation case may seem straightforward, there are a lot of questions that can arise and things that can go wrong. It is a step-by-step process that, anywhere along the way, can be derailed. Your best bet? If you are injured on the job, contact an attorney who is experienced in workers’ compensation cases. Even if all goes smoothly, you’ve got nothing to lose as many attorneys do not charge for the initial consultation. If you are currently involved in a workers’ compensation case, the following questions could be helpful. Granted, they are just the beginning, but at least you’ll have a place to start. What Determines My Settlement Amount? The following factors weigh heavily into the calculation of a workers’ compensation…Read More

Have you filed a workers’ compensation claim? Was it denied? If so, it’s time to contact an experienced, reputable attorney to fight for your rights. There’s every chance that the South Carolina Workers’ Compensation Commission will need to hear your case. To prove that your case has been denied wrongfully, it takes know-how and commitment. What Is A Claim Denial? It seems so simple, doesn’t it? You were hurt at work so workers’ compensation should cover your lost wages, medical expenses, etc. Sometimes, however, employers choose to fight the case. Perhaps they don’t feel they are responsible for the injury. Perhaps they feel the injured employer was careless, and that’s why they got hurt. Your company may decide to refuse or deny your claim for workers’ comp. Understanding Claim Denials In the next series of paragraphs, we will present reasons…Read More

People go to work every day without really thinking much about on-the-job injuries. Even workers who find themselves in precarious situations day in and day out can become lax in their thinking when it comes to getting hurt on the job. But accidents do happen. When they happen at someone’s workplace, it’s comforting to know that lost wages, medical bills, and more, will be covered by workers’ compensation. What Is The SC Worker’s Compensation System? Let’s say you get hurt on the job. If you are unacquainted with the complex Worker’s Compensation Laws in South Carolina, in order to get benefits approved, you may find yourself struggling. You may even suffer some type of retaliation from your company or your boss. You know that your bills aren’t going to get paid after an injury if you have no income. Frustration…Read More

Does South Carolina Workers’ Compensation Cover Teenage Workers? Often, teenagers of 16 or 17 years of age are encouraged by their parents to get a job. Frequently, parents believe that valuable life skills are learned in this manner and independence instilled. These jobs often seem harmless. They’re just part-time positions or temporary summer positions, after all. But without realizing it, these teens may be in a dangerous situation. Is your teenager in danger at work? If they’re injured on the job, does South Carolina’s workers’ compensation cover their lost wages, medical expenses, etc.? Let’s take a closer look at teens in the workplace and hazards that might exist. Additionally, we’ll see if workers’ compensation covers them if they’re injured at work. The Dangers To Today’s Teens There can be any number of reasons why a work-related injury may occur to…Read More

Before we go any further, let us clarify the title statement. What may be more accurate than, “Won’t Get You Fired”, would be to say, “Shouldn’t Get You Fired”. Because it shouldn’t – that’s against the law. But things happen every day that are against the law. Technically speaking, filing a workers’ compensation claim should not have any effect on your employment status whatsoever. Unfortunately, some employers think they are above the law. If you or someone you know has ever been fired, seemingly because they filed a workers’ compensation claim and nothing more, it’s time to retain the services of a legal representative familiar with workers’ comp claims. Injured But Afraid To File? Generally speaking – if you are injured on the job but are hesitant to a file workers’ compensation claim, you’re hurting yourself even more! Failure to…Read More

Most days, you wake up and start getting ready for work without a thought of what could happen while you are there. We are referring to an on-the-job injury that could change your life – at least for the immediate future. When bad things happen at work, and employees get hurt, SC Worker’s Compensation Laws protect their rights. That’s in a perfect world. On occasion, a wrench gets thrown into the works and employees may have a tough time getting the compensation they are due. When that happens, an experienced and proficient legal team can help defend the rights of the injured person and get them the compensation they deserve. To substantiate your company’s liability for damages in a workers’ compensation case, you may be required to deal with something called “burden of proof”. If it gets to this, don’t…Read More

What Should I Do If SC Workers’ Comp Doesn’t Pay For Surgery? You received an injury at work. The good news is that, in South Carolina, workers’ compensation will cover your lost wages, medical costs, etc. But what if surgery is needed because of the injury? One would think that there wouldn’t be a problem because it falls under medical expenses. Unfortunately, your employer’s insurance company may try to refuse to pay for the surgery you need. Battles with insurance companies aren’t pleasant or easy. If you’re injured on the job, your best bet is to inquire with an experienced attorney as to your rights and representation. Even if all goes smoothly, it won’t hurt to talk to an attorney when you’re injured. Many law offices offer the first consultation free of charge. So, let’s say that your employer’s insurance…Read More

After a workplace injury, to cover the costs of your medical bills and lost wages, you are likely to receive workers’ compensation benefits. Let’s say, for example, that was marginally related to work, you were injured in a car accident. For the injuries you sustained, could you still file a workers’ compensation claim? The coming and going rule in South Carolina may say, “No!” But not necessarily. The “Coming And Going Rule” You may be asking, “What on earth is a coming and going rule?” First and foremost, it applies to benefits that fall under workers’ compensation. Specifically, it means that if you are going home from work or coming to work, and you’re injured in an accident, you cannot have those injuries covered under workers’ compensation. If, however, within the scope of employment, you are injured, you are eligible…Read More